BIM and CADD Strategies

Do you use Archicad?

So does GreenLight.

• Software Standards and Configuration

• Templates
• Layer Standards
• Master Layouts
• Composites
• Complex Profiles
• Best Practices
• And more...

• Individual or Group Training.

Assessment and Strategic Planning

Your firm has a business plan. Is your technology a part of it?

GreenLight can assess your current IT assets, their capabilities and limitations, and develop a plan to help you work smarter, not harder.

No one goes to design school to manage hardware and software. Did you?

Free yourself to do the things you do best - call GreenLight.
Workflow Management

You know what the final product should look like, be it an image, a board, multi-media, or a text-based document.

The efficiency with which you create those products is a consequence of the software that you use and the way that you use it.

GreenLight can help you streamline your process, allowing you to focus on your real work, design.
3-D Visualization

Do you use 3-D in your work? Do you want to?

Let GreenLight help you...

Archicad, Cinema 4D, Indigo, SketchUp, etc.
Backup Strategies

Backup is essential.

It's not sexy, but you do without it at your own peril.

Let GreenLight help you secure your data.
Setup, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting

Setup and configuration of new computers and systems, whether laptops, workstations, or servers.

Maintenance of existing systems, including, but not limited to, upgrading of RAM, Hard Drives, Peripherals, Driver Optimization, Security Settings, and Anti-Virus.

Troubleshooting - Does your computer crash or freeze? Do programs suddenly quit or lock up? Do print jobs vanish before coming out of the plotter? Puzzled? Call GreenLight.
Database Services

How do you manage your various document types ?

Do you have important information spread across various spreadsheets, reports, e-mails, and miscellaneous files? Have you ever wanted to be able to link them all together?

The use of enterprise Electronic Document Management software (EDM) allows you to capture information, assign workflows, meet requirements for Sarbanes-Oxley to EEOC, from OSHA to HIPAA, provide for Disaster Recovery...

How do you manage your image library?

Is finding an image a haphazard affair?

The use of Media Asset Management Software (MAMS) allows you to visually organize, sort, preview, and index. your digital assets.

Drag and Drop access to resources as well as ease of sharing are just some of the benefits of MAMS.

Powerful key-wording features allow even the novice to retrieve the right file quickly. No more relying on individual memory -- anyone can find the correct file right when it is needed.

Call GreenLight to get started.

A reseller of Westbrook Fortis EDM, through our affiliate, Intpro Group.